148 research outputs found

    2D localization with WiFi passive radar and device-based techniques: an analysis of target measurements accuracy

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    The aim of the work is to investigate the performance of two localization techniques based on WiFi signals: the WiFi-based passive radar and a device-based technique that exploits the measurement of angle of arrival (AoA) and time difference of arrival. This paper focuses specifically on the accuracy of the AoA measurements. As expected, the results show that for both techniques the AoA accuracy depends on the signal-to-noise ratio also in terms of the number of exploited received signal samples. For the passive radar, very accurate estimates are obtained; however, loss of detections can appear only when the rate of the Access Point packets is strongly reduced. In contrast, device-based estimates accuracy is lower, since it suffers of the limited number of emitted packets when the device is not uploading data. However, it allows localization also of stationary targets, which is impossible for the passive radar. This suggests that the two techniques are complementary and their fusion could provide a sensibly increase performance with respect to the individual techniques

    Auto-regressive model based polarimetric adaptive detection scheme part II: Performance assessment under spectral model mismatch

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    This work addresses the problem of target detection in coherent radar systems equipped with multiple polarimetric channels. In “Part I” of this two-part study, a multi-channel auto-regressive model based polarimetric detection scheme has been developed and its performance has been studied against clutter with characteristics exactly matching the adopted parametric model. In this second part of the study, the performance assessment is extended, by means of theoretical and simulated analyses, to include the case of disturbance components with diverse spectral characteristics. Consequently, an appropriate modification is introduced to the detection scheme to make it robust to typical spectral mismatches occurring in practical situations. Finally, the effectiveness of the resulting detection scheme is proved against simulated and experimental data

    Polarimetric passive radar. A practical approach to parametric adaptive detection

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    Polarimetric diversity has been recently shown to significantly improve the target detection performance in passive radar systems, if properly exploited to mitigate the competing interference. An adaptive processing scheme is presented in this work, leveraging the information conveyed using multi-polarized receiving antennas and modeling the disturbance as a multichannel autoregressive process. Despite this approach operates with a limited number of adaptive degrees of freedom, the long integration time exploited by passive radar typically requires a substantial computational cost and ad hoc expedients for its application. Therefore, a modified cost-effective implementation of the conceived solution is proposed in order to reduce the computational burden while controlling the resulting loss. The authors extensively demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed solution against experimental data collected by a FM radio based passive coherent location system. The experimental results show that the proposed processing scheme yields a remarkable improvement with respect to both the conventional processing at the single polarimetric channel and the state-of-the-art strategies exploiting polarization diversity in PCL systems

    Target DoA estimation in passive radar using non-uniform linear arrays and multiple frequency channels

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    In this paper we present a robust approach for target direction of arrival (DoA) estimation in passive radar that jointly exploits spatial and frequency diversity. Specifically we refer to a DVB-T based passive radar receiver equipped with a linear array of few antenna elements non-uniformly spaced in the horizontal dimension, able to collect multiple DVB-T channels simultaneously. We resort to a maximum likelihood (ML) approach to jointly exploit the target echoes collected across the antenna elements at multiple carrier frequencies. Along with an expected improvement in terms of DoA estimation accuracy, we show that the available spatial and frequency diversity can be fruitfully exploited to extend the unambiguous angular sector useful for DoA estimation, which represent an invaluable tool in many applications. To this purpose, a performance analysis is reported against experimental data collected by a multi-channel DVB-T based passive radar developed by Leonardo S.p.A

    Impact of beacon interval on the performance of WiFi-based passive radar against human targets

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    The capability of WiFi-based passive radar to detect, track and profile human targets in both indoor and outdoor environment has been widely demonstrated. This paper investigates the impact of the Beacon Interval (BI) on the passive radar performance. The results of a dedicated acquisition campaign show that both the detection capability and the localization accuracy progressively degrade as the BI increases due to both the reduction of the received beacons and to the intrinsic undersampling of the target motion. Limit values are suggested for practical applications

    A practical approach to polarimetric adaptive target detection in passive radar

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    Recently, the exploitation of polarimetric diversity was considered as a way to improve target detection capability in passive radar systems. Specifically, it was shown that a locally adaptive Polarimetric - Generalized Likelihood Radio Test (PGLRT) detection scheme might represent an effective solution for passive radar exploiting different signals of opportunity. However, depending on the considered application, it could be highly computationally expensive. The present work presents an alternative lower-cost approach, based on a global adaptation of the polarimetric whitening filter. The proposed scheme is tested against experimental data collected by means of a dual-pol receiving system. The reported analysis shows that it allows comparable performance with respect to the previously introduced approach, especially when operating against scenarios characterized by strong interfering sources

    Auto-regressive model based polarimetric adaptive detection scheme part I: Theoretical derivation and performance analysis

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    This paper deals with the problem of target detection in coherent radar systems exploiting polarimetric diversity. We resort to a parametric approach and we model the disturbance affecting the data as a multi-channel autoregressive (AR) process. Following this model, a new polarimetric adaptive detector is derived, which aims at improving the target detection capability while relaxing the requirements on the training data size and the computational burden with respect to existing solutions. A complete theoretical characterization of the asymptotic performance of the derived detector is provided, using two different target fluctuation models. The effectiveness of the proposed approach is shown against simulated data, in comparison with alternative existing solutions

    WiFi emission-based vs passive radar localization of human targets

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    In this paper two approaches are considered for human targets localization based on the WiFi signals: the device emission-based localization and the passive radar. Localization performance and characteristics of the two localization techniques are analyzed and compared, aiming at their joint exploitation inside sensor fusion systems. The former combines the Angle of Arrival (AoA) and the Time Difference of Arrival (TDoA) measures of the device transmissions to achieve the target position, while the latter exploits the AoA and the bistatic range measures of the target echoes. The results obtained on experimental data show that the WiFi emission-based strategy is always effective for the positioning of human targets holding a WiFi device, but it has a poor localization accuracy and the number of measured positions largely depends on the device activity. In contrast, the passive radar is only effective for moving targets and has limited spatial resolution but it provides better accuracy performance, thanks to the possibility to integrate a higher number of received signals. These results also demonstrate a significant complementarity of these techniques, through a suitable experimental test, which opens the way to the development of appropriate sensor fusion techniques

    WiFi-based PCL for monitoring private airfields

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    In this article, the potential exploitation of WiFi-based PCL systems is investigated with reference to a real-world civil application in which these sensors are expected to nicely complement the existing technologies adopted for monitoring purposes, especially when operating against noncooperative targets. In particular, we consider the monitoring application of small private airstrips or airfields. With this terminology, we refer to open areas designated for the takeoff and landing of small aircrafts that, unlike an airport, have generally short and possibly unpaved runways (e.g., grass, dirt, sand, or gravel surfaces) and do not necessarily have terminals. More important, such areas usually are devoid of conventional technologies, equipment, or procedures adopted to guarantee safety and security in large aerodromes.There exist a huge number of small, privately owned, and unlicensed airfields around the world. Private aircraft owners mainly use these “airports” for recreational, single-person, or private flights for small groups and training flight purposes. In addition, residential airparks have proliferated in recent years, especially inthe United States, Canada, and South Africa. A residential airpark, or “fly-in community,” features common airstrips where homes with attached hangars allow owners to taxi from their hangar to a shared runway. In many cases, roads are dual use for both cars and planes.In such scenarios, the possibility to employ low-cost, compact, nonintrusive, and nontransmitting sensors as a way to improve safety and security with limited impact on the airstrips' users would be of great potential interest. To this purpose, WiFi-based passive radar sensors appear to be good candidates [23]. Therefore, we investigate their application against typical operative conditions experienced in the scenarios described earlier. The aim is to assess the capability to detect, localize, and track authorized and unauthorized targets that can be occupying the runway and the surrounding areas

    Short-range passive radar for small private airports surveillance

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    This paper investigates the effectiveness of a passive radar for enhancing the security level in small airports and private runways. Specifically WiFi transmissions are parasitically exploited to perform detection and localization of non-cooperative targets that can be occupying the runway and the surrounding areas. Targets of interest include light/ultralight aircrafts, vehicles, people and even animals that may intrude onto the runways either intentionally or accidentally. The experimental results obtained by means of an experimental setup developed at SAPIENZA University of Rome prove the successful applicability of the proposed approach for small airports surveillance. © 2016 EuMA
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